Winter solstice

Today marks the winter solstice of 2020—a day that traditionally marks the first day of the astronomical winter season, the day when we are tilted away from the sun as far as possible, the day of longest night. Historically, this wintry December day in the Northern Hemisphere also represents rebirth…a new beginning. I took a shot in my arm today—a small amount of clear liquid containing nanoparticles of mRNA that will offer me protection against SARS-Co-V2. The protection is not just for me. It’s for my tiny patients with critical heart disease, my friends recovering after chemotherapy, my elderly family members, my children who would be at risk for MIS-C. It’s so I can possibly visit Tanzania next year and continue to partner with Muhimbili National Hospital while we develop a pediatric ICU. I am part of the herd and I will continue to do my part.


So long…farewell 2020

